Beat the Desert Heat this Summer with Wolfi's Recommendations
Are you managing to keep up with your training during the summer months? Cycling in hot summer and humid conditions can be difficult, not to mention the increased physical strain on your body. As your core temperature rises, your heart rate increases as your body has to work harder to radiate heat. Furthermore, you increase your chance of cramping, dehydration, and fatigue. With the right products and strategies, you can minimize how heat affects your body, and get the most out of your riding this summer.
Here are some of Wolfi’s favorite products and tips to beat the desert heat this summer:

When you cycle in summer, you sweat more and lose important minerals, like sodium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, which your muscles need to function. Replacing these minerals and staying hydrated will help you cycle to the best of your ability and avoid dehydration.
Wolfi's recommends Elete Electrolyte products.

When the sun is at its brightest, UV rays can age and damage the structure of your eyes. You risk cataracts, general eye degradation, and corneal damage when your eyes are exposed to the sun for extended periods. Cycling glasses will help you protect your eyes from UV rays, road debris, and dust.
Wolfi's recommends the Scicon sunglasses for optimal protection.

Your helmet is one of the most important protective items you need. Selecting a helmet that offers protection, aerodynamics, and optimal ventilation is a great way to beat the hot summer.
Wolfi's recommends the ABUS Airbreaker for optimal protection and ventilation.

Jerseys and apparel with UV protection are a great way to protect your skin from harmful UV rays this summer. A jersey can be more than comfortable and functional, it can protect you from the summer sun too.
Wolfi's recommends the MAAP Thermal jerseys for optimal protection and comfort.

In the summer heat, you should prevent skin damage and sunburn with the right protection. Pelotan sun protection is designed for athletes to protect your skin for up to 8 hours, offering SPF 30 - 50 UVF & UVB protection, even when you sweat.
Wolfi's recommends Pelotan sun products for optimal protection.

Water Bottle
One of Wolfi’s top summer riding tips is to fill your bottle one-third of the way with water, and put it into the freezer, lying flat on its side, not standing. Then you can fill it with water before your ride, and the frozen water will keep your bottle cool.
Wolfi's recommends the Bivo Trio Insulated stainless-steel water bottles to stay cool this summer.

Heart Rate Monitors
Monitoring your heart rate during summer rides is incredibly important for safety. Cooling your body via radiation requires rerouting blood flow so more of it goes to the skin. This makes the heart beat faster and pump harder.
On a hot day, it may circulate two to four times as much blood each minute as it does on a cool day. As long as the air around you is cooler than your body, you radiate heat to the air. But this transfer stops when the air temperature approaches body temperature, approximately 98.6 F (37 C). Above this temperature, your body has to rely on evaporation of sweat to cool, every molecule of sweat that evaporates from your skin whisks away heat.
On a dry day, the evaporation of a teaspoon of sweat could cool your entire bloodstream by 2 degrees F. But as the humidity creeps above 75% or so, there's so much water vapor in the air that evaporation becomes increasingly difficult. Hot and humid rides will put significant stress on your cardiovascular system, the extra work for the heart, compounded by the loss of sodium and potassium, can lead to heat stroke and dizziness.
When riding in such conditions, monitoring your heart rate, with an understanding of your personal HR zones can help you to manage your effort, and stay safe when the temperature and humidity increases.
Wolfi's recommends the Garmin heart rate monitors to keep an eye on your heart this summer